Saturday, November 20, 2010

"ITS A BOY!!!!!!!!!"

Dear peanut,
welp the news is in!!!! On November 15th your mommy and daddy had a doctor appt. to check up on you and possibly see a better look for the gender(member gender means boy or girl). Welp..... they found out and your mommy called me right away and said, "ITS A BOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!" i loved you right away and i knew mommy and daddy were so happy and excited. All uncle tony could think about was going to your soccer games and playing catch with you and your daddy and buying you trucks. Uncle tony loves you very much too!!! the night of movie night, i knew you were a little boy... i could just tell :) now..... until the next letter, im hoping mommy and daddy thought of some names for you!! love you peanut :)

"its a boy! he totally has brans eyebrows!"

Dear lil' yocky,
alot has been happening baby...
me and uncle tony and your mommy and daddy decided to have a movie night on Nov. 13th. This was the day I first got a glimpse at you. You were so cute and i nicknamed you my peanut... because the first pic of you makes you look like a little itty bitty peanut :) here it is...

this was you at 13 weeks!!!! :) aww my lil' peanut...

then your mommy showed me another pic and i freaked out and told your mommy, "its a boy! he totally has bran's eyebrows!" haha... that does sound kinda silly and at this moment we didn't really know if you were a boy or girl, but that was my guess cause you had the splitting image of your daddys face :) heres that pic...

this is you at 15 months!!! you still love to move around and stretch so i think you are going to be quite the lil' athlete for mommy and daddy :)

Monday, November 1, 2010

"you literally have a bun in the oven!"

on Friday, october 29th, your uncle tony and auntie manda had a halloween party! This is one of your our favorite holidays because we love dressing up!!! Mommy and daddy ended up coming and they came in a silly costume...
Their costume was 100% all about you love! I remember when your mom came into the backyard and , i just said, "You literally have a bun in the oven." I thought it was so original and too funny!! Bun in the oven... is you my love, and your daddy was the head cook! :) he did a great job! :)

all in all it was a very happy halloween and your mommy and daddy were very creative!