Friday, December 10, 2010

"can he please wear a tuxedo shirt"

Dear Peanut,
So while in mommys tummy, I'm sure you heard me screaming.... but me and your uncle Tony got engaged!!!!!! It was Auntie Mandas 25th bday and our 7yr anniversary. Mommy and Daddy could never really spend my birthday with me, cause thats the same day as your grandpas birthday too. So, Auntie Manda was soooooo happy that mommy and daddy were there to share the special news with us!!! Now.... we are planning a big big wedding :) its going to be fun!!! you might be still to little to come, but i did ask, "can he please wear a tuxedo shirt". haha.... so my style for you!

any-whooo.... i love you peanut and can't wait to see you again in a pic :) hopefully maybe you will have a name next.... we will see...

"was the burp you or the baby?"

Dear Peanut,
For thanksgiving, me and your uncle tony like to share the holiday with mommy and daddy. we try to have a mini thanksgiving together because the one true thing we all four are thankful for is our friendship. We named our special day THE GREAT TURKEY! next year you will be here!!! Mommy had the cutest tummy then, and we just talked to you all night. Here are some silly pics of the turkey haha..

this is your daddy trying to figure out something with that poor turkey... Haha! he looks confused! good thing mommy and uncle tony cooked this year! :)

Your mommy is such a good cook!

So is uncle Tony!

and Daddy... well he is a really good taste tester :)

When we finished eating dinner, mommys tummy made a loud noise. I said, "Was the burp you or the baby??!!". we all laughed and we still think it was you who burped cause you were so full from all the yummy turkey...

"I love his belly"

Dear Peanut,
so alot has been going on these past couple of weeks... mommy and daddy still haven't fully decided on your name yet, but when mommy knows she will tell me. So, lets see so far we have an update pic of you at 20 weeks:
when daddy texted me the picture..... all i could say was "I love his belly!".... look how cute that lil' tummy of yours was!!! i can't wait to tickle it!!! :)