Sunday, March 6, 2011

"his name is..."

dear peanut,
alot has been happening since you have been cookin' in mommys tummy! Auntie ash and nana had a baby shower for you on Feb. 26th. It was such a blast and all of mommys friends gave you so many cute presents! the best thing auntie heard that day was your name."his name is..." and i was so surprised because mommy was having a hard time telling other people. I was super excited to put a name to the face i have been thinking about :)

mommy and daddy are so excited to meet you.

a week later, March 5th, auntie rhiana and grammy had another baby shower for you! It was filled with so many pretty colors and you got alot more to fill your room with. At this point mommy has alot to do so auntie manda is going to help her fix your room up nice and neat so it will be ready when you get here! Mommy is 6weeks away!!!! :)

So far mommy's feet hurt the most, but its all worth it for little T! love you peanut!!!

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